I have a personal and professional interest in skincare and skin cancer. Whilst I enjoy the technical aspect of skin surgery and cosmetically acceptable results my goal is to prevent and minimize skin damage. This colors my personal approach to sun protection when I am skiing, sailing, wind foiling, cycling, kayaking, and hiking.
I discovered the use of Niacinamide at a Melanoma Skin Cancer Conference in Brisbane, Australia in May 2018. The use of oral and topical Niacinamide has both a scientific and practical appeal. Being unable to import the topical agents into Canada I started experimenting with the assistance of my local Pharmacist.
After trialing on myself and my wife, I engaged some of my skin patients with Actinic disease to trial topical and oral Niacinamide preparations; to see if we could replicate the Australian results and experience. That was certainly the case with an approximate 25% reduction in the need to perform skin surgery on persistent scale Keratotic lesions many of which simply disappeared. Although very gratifying this is only one arrow in a quiver of management options for sun-related skin damage.
My training In Laboratory Technology, Architectural Draughting, and Medical Practice Management has given me a unique perspective on the human condition. I have looked at you on the inside, I have seen what spaces you like to live in and I have helped facilitate outcomes for healthier lifestyles.
I am an outdoor enthusiast. I love to ski, sail, and hike, usually with a furry friend when the indoors beckons me. I am a fiber artist. I enjoy trying new recipes, especially desserts, I am a voracious reader and I try and keep up with my kids!
We were aware of Climate change earlier than the Northern Hemisphere, with the Ozone Hole that drifts over New Zealand and Australia, necessitating more care with sun protection. We adopted the early use of sunblocks and screens; when they were only available in SPF 2, 4, or 8! We used SPF swimsuits and clothing for playing in and on the sea. With my husband Chris’s profession I have seen the effects of long-term sun-damaged skin and the need to prevent and protect. A non-invasive approach to care is always preferable. I formulated this lotion as new approach to making skincare that works. We sourced the best ingredients and it is produced locally in Western Canada.